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This sub domain is not meant for public consumption. Feel free to browse around, but please don’t use anything in this sub domain without my prior permission.

Author: Hendrik Lie

Contact: info at xenomancy.id





August 07, 2021

Xenomancy: We apologize for your inconveniences

The first 8 chapters of Xenomancy Book 1

July 30, 2021

Hak atas Tanah dalam Perkawinan Internasional

My thesis but exported to markdown and then to html with proper citations and formatting. PoC that the content management workflow I use is now ready.

April 8, 2021

Daniel Ashton Profile

Ashton’s profile and datapanel. Along with some arts of him.

April 8, 2021

Xe-1 Outline

Outline of Xenomancy Book 1.

April 8, 2021

Hak Paten Sebagai Jaminan Fidusia

Currently it’s just a draft.

March 28, 2021

Daniel Ashton - Timeline

This page outlined past lives of Daniel Ashton, a character in my novel project: Xenomancy. Yeah, you can guess it now why did I use this domain name.

March 28, 2021

Daniel Ashton - FTF

FTF is short for Fibonacci Task Force, and this table explained how they get the name of their group. I’m afraid you would have to wait until the novel is completed before you can learn more about this.

March 21, 2021

PoC Perjanjian Sewa menyewa

PoC formatting for a contract.

March 10, 2021

Essay Tentang Perjanjian

An essay I made by my boss’s request. Full disclaimer, I am not very prudent on including citations within this essay.

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